Bryan Greene Psychotherapy & Couples Counselling in Bristol & Online


I offer supervision to therapists in all healing professions helping to bring a clearer perspective, a wider dimension and greater depth to their work. I am available both face to fgace and on Zoom.

My aim is to help develop therapists' confidence and both their personal and professional skills in client work whilst at the same time safeguarding good practice.

I believe supervision to be an essential part of the therapeutic process; it helps the therapist to see the wood for the trees and identify ways in which they may be colluding in their client's material whilst also allowing the therapist to feel held and supported. This in turn provides a greater degree of clarity, holding and safety for the client further enabling their healing and unfoldment.


Individual supervision sessions are usually one hour long and for groups one and a half hours. Please contact me for my current fees.. I offer a few concessionary places to therapists in training. I also see couples online on Zoom. Please see the Zoom page for further details.



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